Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Grip

Your golf grip can completely alter the way that you hit the ball and the ball flight that results from it. A poor grip could be the lone reason that a golfer is slicing or hooking the ball; the swing isn't always the problem. Below you can see the grip of 4 PGA professionals, two of whom are major champions.

As you can see, everyone's grip can vary slightly from one another but the basic fundamental interlocking grip is used by just about every professional. For a righty, the left hand should be underneath the right hand with the thumb pointed directly downward. You should be able to see the first 2 knuckles of you left hand when you place the right hand on top. If your left hand is turned too far to the right with more knuckles visible then you have a slice grip and your ball will typically fade from left to right after contact. If your left hand is turned too far to the left with no knuckles visible then you have a hook grip and the ball will typically hook from right to left. The ideal grip is right in between, so that the ball will carry as straight as possible. The interlocking grip consists of the left pointer finger interlocking inside the right pinky finger. This makes it so that the golf swing can be executed more smoothly and more comfortably, and can be seen in the image below. So many amateurs, including myself overlooked the importance of the grip thinking that the problem was somewhere else. Instead of wasting time and money to try and solve you slice or hook, take a look at your grip and analyze it to see if there are deficiencies because the problem could be a quick fix away from being solved.

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