Sunday, November 17, 2013

Driving Range Tips

The driving range is a cheap and great way to work on your swing without having the added pressure of an actual course. Most amateurs crave using the driver at the driving range because, well, who doesn't like hitting the long ball? The fact is that on average, pros only use their driver about 4-5 times per 18 holes. That statistic becomes bloated for amateurs because they simply cannot hit it as far, however, there are other clubs in the bag which are relied on much more frequently.

 1. Start off you driving range practice session with a wedge. Wedges are the easiest clubs to hit in your bag, and have the most loft. I usually start off with my sand wedge (56 degree) then on to my pitching wedge. It's a great way to get your confidence up by getting good contact on about 10-15 balls.

2. By this point you are pretty warmed up and can start swinging closer to 100%. I usually move on to an 8 iron because it is my most frequently used club. For most amateurs, the second shot on most par 4's are in the range of 140-160 yards, with there generally being 10 par 4's per 18 holes.  So an 8 or 7 iron can account for 10-13 strokes per round.

3. After hitting about 15 more balls, I move into the mid-long irons (3-6 irons) and hit about 10 for each club. This gives you practice for each of the hardest clubs to hit in your bag; if you can master your long irons it will make every other aspect of the hole significantly easier.

4. After hitting about 60-70 balls you start to get tired so I usually take a 5 minute break. If you try to keep going your swing becomes lazy and slower and that can only develop bad habits in your swing. After the break, I usually hit about 15 balls with my 3 hybrid. Not everyone has hybrid clubs in their bag but it is one of the most useful clubs out there and is an easy way to get distance on your second shot on par 5's, which is always an issue for amateurs.

5. If you have any balls left over, hit some bombs with your driver, we all love doing it.

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